Sunday, November 23, 2008

Title Idea

The Network
Cafe and Bar

What do you guys think?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More facts


82% of all Americans and 86% of cell users report being irritated at least occasionally by loud and annoying cell users.


28% of cell users admit they sometimes do not drive as safely as they should while using their mobile devices
Driving while using a mobile device is more impairing than driving with a blood alcohol level of .08 (the legal limit in WA and many states)
81% of cell users have admitted to talking on a cell phone while driving

Immediacy (all stats as of April 2006)

23% of Americans who currently (as of 2006) have landlines say they are very likely or somewhat likely to convert to being cell only
245 report they often feel like they have to answer their cell phones even when it interrupts a meal or meeting
81% of cell only users always have their phone on.
20% of cell users report receiving text SPAM


85% of teens engage in electronic communication
60% don't view EC as 'writing'
50% of teens say they use informal writing styles in school assignments
38% of teens have used text shortcuts in school work
25% of teens have used emoticons in school work

Need (business)

93% of working Americans own a cell phone (compared with 78% of all American adults)
85% of working Americans own a desktop computer (compared with 65% of all American adults)
61% of working Americans own a laptop (compared with 39% of all American adults)
27% of working Americans own a PDA (compared with 13% of all American adults)
96% of working Americans use new communication technologies
73% of working Americans use all three basic new communication technologies: internet, cell phone, email account
49% of working Americans say information and communication technology (ICTs) increase demands that they work more hours
49% of working Americans say ICTs increase the level of stress in their jobs
49% of working Americans say ICTs make it harder for them to disconnect from their work when they are at home and on weekends

Communication Technology Information Topics

Immediacy and constancy of cell phones and other communication technologies. The fact that we are always plugged in all the time.

Deficiency of the medium of electronic communication; that it is not a replacement for human interaction.

Education and how electronic communication is affecting how we learn.


Need - conformity, peer pressure, business requirements


more info

More sites
-study comparing cell phone drivers and drunk drivers,0,6806620.story
-the engineer that sent text messages before the fatal crash
-overview of cell phones and driving

Cell Phone - DANGERS!

each day cellular telephone calls while driving account for 1729 collisions...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Idea Notes: Direct Transcription

Tin can to cell phone, lines leading to other information centers.
Where we were to where we are now.

Electronic Communication is changing society
being more plugged in more often,
affecting relationships and the way we communicate
blurring the boundaries (public/private, work/home)
safety issues - positives (use in emergencies) and negatives (car crashes)
degrading language

Surgeon General's Warning for cell phone use
Cell phone only room
Ad languages - ie: guaranteed to increase your work week!

Roads, or pathways. cell phone obstacles in the road, but free and clear in the HOV (or cell phone free) lane

Uses are links in a chain, they drag you down the more you gather.

Electronic communication tug of war

Communication = maze

Smash your phone, throw your phone away

Uncomfortable situations; man talking on the phone while in the bathroom.

Replace faces with emoticons

Speech bubbles with only emoticons

"Face of Society"
"This is the face of your friend"

Relate emoticons to statistics

Reverse cutouts - instead of the head missing, it is just the the emoticon in place of the head and the body isn't there.

Electronic communication land

Armies of emoticons
Emoticon pets

Vocabulary of text based interaction. Using "send," "delete," "ignore" and "send to all" in regular conversation.

Emoticons as a metaphor that illustrates the logical extremes of current behavior.

Emoticons replacing emotion expression (emoticon head)

Show people interacting, but using electronic means - text a greeting or show the screen with a text greeting.

Expressionless verbalization of text message "actions." Saying "freaking out" with a straight face as an example of the deficiency of textual communication.
Or - take the person out and have the cell phone talking to you.

Here's your sign; Here's your emoticon

Mockery of communication - take to the logical extreme.

Possible take-aways:
masks of emoticons
brochures that help you make your own mask
survey and stamp your response

Cell Phone Statistics

86% of adult Americans had a cell phone in 2006

2.4 Billion cell phones world wide in 2005

1991: 7.6 million American cell phone users
2001: 120 million American cell phone users
2006: 203 million American cell phone users

At any given time, 3% of drivers are using their hand held cell phone.

Any cell phone use while driving increases the risk of injury crash fourfold

139,000 emergency calls a day

37% of teens say they wouldn't be able to live without their cell phone

The cell phone is the most hated device on earth that we can't do without. 2004

Acceptability of cell phone use in public areas:
Bathroom 38%
Theater (cinema) 2%
Car 63%
Supermarket 66%
Public Transportation 45%
Restaurants 21%

15% of Americans admit to having interrupt sex for a phone call

The average American spends 13 hours a month on their phone
The average American aged 18-24 spends 22 hours a month on their phone

75% of American cell phone users have their phone on and within reach during all waking hours.
59% of American cell phone users would not consider lending their phone to a friend
26% of American cell phone users consider it more important to return home for a cell phone than for a wallet
38% of cell phone users world wide no longer have a land line.

87% of Americans said the bad behavior they observed the most was people making annoying phone calls in public.

I found a bunch more Pew Internet Poll Reports on internet, cell phones, and social media.

Turn Off Your Cell Phone

No Cell Phone Day (link to movie)

And here is a link to one about an artist's installation asking people to give up their phone for a day:

5 Valid Reasons to Stop Using a Cell Phone

Read through the string of comments as well.

Links for Emoticons
And the definition of an emoticon:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Notification of layoffs through Blogs!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Don't Take Calls During Important Meetings

click here >

The Problem

Mobile interactions should not take the place of "face to Face" conversation.

(This photo is a protected by copyright - we purchased the rights for display here only)

Video Link

This is a link to a Video about technology taking over our world.
Post Test